Rites of Passage

Meetings, training sessions and trips on which time can stand still


Slowly, the world is opening up again. And so are we. Starting with a number of campfires.

Sharing stories around a fire has a special effect. It brings connection and lowers your stress levels. It helps you experience that, in what you go through, you are perhaps less alone than you think. In everyone’s story you will recognize things about yourself. It is a real encounter, without a screen, which you will undoubtedly need after the recent times. 


Campfire Tuin in de stad

12 december 2021

More information about our activities? Please contact us.

Sessions & trainings

With Circle Talk we give storytelling sessions of 2 to 3 hours based on a question or a theme.

A 3 day leadership training with transformation process for the leader of today & the future.

A transformative 3 day training in which you stand still and look at your life and your potential.

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